fredag 2 september 2016

Growth Mindset Season 2 - Part 1

What is a dip?

A "dip" is an illustration of the short period of time when you just feel like you can't complete a certain task.

Where/what situations might we encounter a dip in?

We can encounter a dip whenever we try to finish a certain task. For example, we can encounter a dip when we try to finish a project in school or when we try to do something else in life.

What kind of emotions can accompany a dip, and how can we stay positive?

A dip is most likely going to be accompanied by sadness and slight anger. You will also most likely get a small feeling of being let down by yourself. A good way to stay positive throughout a dip is to always keep in mind that sooner or later you will get out of the dip as long as you keep on trying new solutions for the problem.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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