fredag 2 september 2016

Growth Mindset Season 2 - Part 2

What should you do when you make a mistake?

When you make a mistake you should stop and reflect on what you did wrong and try to fix it. If you do this you'll learn from your mistake and it will make sure that you won't do the same mistake ever again.

What will happen if you continue to repeat this process? 

If you continue to repeat this process as soon as you make a mistake it will develop your neurons and make your brain smart enough to never make the mistakes again. Basically, your neurons will make new connections and you will never make the same mistake.

So how do we escape the dip?

You escape the dip by practicing and learning how to stop and reflect on what you did wrong. If you constantly practice this you will learn how to make it out of the dip, faster and faster everytime.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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