onsdag 18 maj 2016

The Third Week of Reading Summary

This week I read to page 52.

This week's reading begins with Link trying to fall asleep in the doorway on the opposite side of the road of the train station. Later during the night, Link feels the urge to pee. so he decides to quickly pack his stuff together and walk to the toilets in the station. When he comes back to the doorway, another homeless person has taken his place, and when Link asks him to leave, the person gets aggressive and demands Link's watch, that he recieved as a present from his mother.

Link then decides to look for a new place to sleep, and finds another doorway nearby. He tries to sleep but after a little while a person called Ginger shows up. Ginger asks if he can sleep next to Link, and Link accepts.

The next day Link and Ginger gets waken up by two cops, that tells them that they have to leave the doorway, and so they do. They then eat breakfast at a kebab place and then Ginger introduces Link to the world of begging.

Disdainful - Föraktande
Apologetic - Ursäktande

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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