Hello Diary!
Before going on this trip, I had decided that I should not write anything in my Diary, as it takes way too much time. However, I had to change my mind after what happened to me a few days ago.
So, a few days ago we all agreed to take a trip out to the famous Uluru rock, also known as Ayers rock. We rented a few dirt bikes from a local car rental centre and drove out to the bush. After about an hour of driving we finally saw the gigantic landmark in the horizon. Once we had arrived at the rock we agreed that we wanted to climb it. Ever since the technological revolution in year 2020, there is now a so called "Super-elevator" that takes you to the top of the rock in just a few seconds, according to the big sign next to elevator at least.
After discussing it for a while, we decided not to take the easy way up the rock, we wanted to climb it instead. We went to the tourist centre just around the corner and asked what the best way to climb the rock was. At first, the young woman that was standing in the information booth looked at us as if we were stupid. She then asked us if we were aware that there was a high-tech elevator that could get us up on the rock faster than we could imagine. We answered that we knew this, but that we had decided to climb the rock instead. The woman understood and told us that we should turn to a man named Olof. He was apparently an expert in climbing but now he worked as a security executive around the rock.
After about half an hour we found Olof in his office above the tourist centre. We asked him to help us and he accepted as he didn't have anything better to do at the moment. He brought us with him to what was seen as the backside of the rock. He started preparing the climbing equipment and once he was done he explained that only one of us could climb at a time. I volunteered to be the first one to climb, and did so without any major problems. Or at least without major problems on my way up there, but once I was finally done with my climb a very strange thing happened. I suddenly heard something whisper in my ear, it said "Hannes, don't do it". I looked around to find out what could possibly have said it to me, but without any success. I leaned over the edge to see who was the next to climb up and it looked like it was Tim's turn. I turned around to check out the view, but what I saw was something much more terrifying. A big man, around two and a half metres tall, stood in front of me. He wore a big red coat and a black mask that covered his entire face. The mask had a dragons face with a few characters drawn on the forehead painted on it. About a thousand thoughts went through my head as I saw the man. First of, who was he? Secondly, how on earth did he manage to move so fast? We just stood there staring at each other for almost a minute until he finally broke the silence. Or well, I didn't understand what he said but there definitely was some kind of sound coming out of his mouth that I couldn't see. The sound almost sounded like a musical tone. After a while more and more musical tones came out of the man's mouth. They made me dizzier and dizzier and after a while I probably passed out.
When I woke up Olof's face was the first thing I saw. He said something about me passing out because of the heat, but i almost didn't notice it since the only thing I could remember was the last thing the man said before I passed out, "This is a place for the spirits, get out, Hannes".
To this day I haven't told anyone about what happened to me on Uluru rock, and I have no idea if it was even real....
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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