tisdag 7 april 2015

English Log Book - Week 15

Activity: I played the game "Decorate!". It's a game about decorating a room for your friend who just moved in. You have to click on what he tells you to put it in the room. When you do so the friend gets happier, and when he is happy enough you win the game.

Five words:
Chandelier - Ljuskrona
Plaid - Pläd/Filt
Floral - Blommig
Checkered - Rutig
Armchair - Fåtölj

Activity: I answered a quiz with ten questions about what I would have done in different situations. When I had answered all the questions it generated what type of personality I had. I got the crazy dog...

Five words:
The link didn't work when I was going to write down words, I will fill this in later.

Activity: I played the game "Lyricstraining". It was a game where you was supposed to watch a video and write down some words from the song while it was playing. It was fun but very hard. I didn't even manage to finish one song before I quitted of rage.

Five words:
Isolation - Isolering
Howling - Tjutande
Conceal - Dölja
Flurry - Uppsjö
Rage - Ilska

Homework: I did the News in Levels task where I had to read one of the news. I read about an accident in China, where two window cleaners almost died because the platform they were working started to swing in the air. When I had read it I made a summary about it.

There was two window cleaners in China, who were cleaning the windows on a big skyscraper. Suddenly the platform that they were standing on began swinging and smashing into the building. This happened on the 91st floor and lasted for 15 minutes until they finally could get winched down to safety. They were sooner taken to hospital for minor injures.

Five words:
Ordeal - Difficult situation
Cradle - Plattform
Minor - Mindre/liten
Incident - Olycka
Investigation - Utredning (brottslig)

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