måndag 29 augusti 2016

Growth Mindset Part 4 and 5

Part 4

1. According to the video, the brain is built up by neurons. These neurons work together to help you learn. The neurons communicate with each other by sending electrical signals that contain information about new things you have learned.

2. According to the video every single time you learn something new, the neurons reshape and create new memories of what you can do and what you know. If this is true then I have loads of examples of when I got some new connections in my brain. For example, when I was at Vattenhallen for a week I learned how to program a robot. Since this was a new experience for me, my neurons reshaped and formed a memory.

3. I could basically do anything as long as I learn something new from it. For example, I could go out with my new longboard and learn how to use it properly. That way my neurons would reshape to create new memories of how to properly use a longboard.

Part 5

1. Whenever I feel like something is "too" challening, I will always ask for help. Help is always the best thing to go for since someone has to know the answer to the problem.

2. It's always important to face challenges with a positive attitude because you will always go longer if you are able to face your problems with a positive attitude.

3. Absolutely not! Taking a break is basically the best thing you can do. Taking a break will let the brain reflect over what you have learned so far. If you just keep pumping information and facts into your brain for hours straight, it will most likely lead to you forgetting half the facts you've learned.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Growth Mindset - Part 3

1. I would ask the teacher or my friend for help with the project, since at least somebody must know the answer or a possible solution for the problem.

2. I can't remember a single time I've been afraid of asking for help. Asking is something natural and it can only bring positive things.

3. I am not really sure why "yet" would be considered a very powerful word, but I guess it's because it shows how important it is to keep trying. Basically you just have to keep on training your brain until you finally finish the task that you have been trying so hard to complete.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Varför startade första världskriget?

Imperialism och kapprustning

En av anledningarna till att första världskriget startade var imperialismen. Detta innebar att nästan alla de större länderna i Europa tävlade om vem som hade mest kolonier i Asien och Afrika. Det största problemet med detta var att eftersom länderna ville skydda sina kolonier lät de bygga stora krigsflottor som skulle skydda kolonierna från andra länder. Detta fortsatte bara och till slut fanns det en kapprustning då alla europeiska länder började tävla i vem som hade flest soldater, starkast kanoner och störst krigsfartyg.


Efter ett tag insåg länderna att i fall ett krig skulle bryta ut mellan länder med så mycket militär styrka skulle det bli ett väldigt farligt och långt krig. Därför kom ledarna för de olika länderna på att i fall de skapar allianser med några av de andra länderna slipper de hamna i krig mot alla länder på en gång. På detta sätt bildades de två blocken ententen och centralmakterna. Konsekvenserna av detta var att spänningarna mellan de enade länderna minskade, medan spänningarna mellan länderna som var emot varandra ökade drastiskt.


Nationalismen som fanns skapade flera stora konflikter runt om i Europa. Ett exempel är att Frankrike ville ha landskapen Alsace och Lorraine tillbaka från Tyskland. Problemet var att de tyska nationalisterna inte accepterade detta, utan ville i stället göra Tyskland ännu större och mäktigare. Denna konflikt med flera hotade freden i världen.

Det fanns också mindre nationalistiska grupper inom de större länderna som ville skapa egna självständiga stater.

Bristande demokrati

Även om det fanns många grupper som ville ha förändring fanns fortfarande problemet att medelklassen saknade rösträtt i stora delar av Europa. De flesta länderna styrdes fortfarande av kungar eller kejsare. I vissa länder fanns det ett parlament, som bara var utvalt av en viss del av folket. Kvinnan hade inte heller rösträtt (i nästan alla länder).

Detta ledde till att de få människor som satt i regeringen bara kunde bestämma att landet skulle gå i krig, utan att bry sig om vad folket tyckte. Att regeringen dessutom inte var utnämnd av hela folket ökade risken för att ett krig skulle kunna starta.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

måndag 22 augusti 2016

Growth Mindset - Part 2

1. It basically means that if you make a mistake, don't give up. Try to learn from what you did wrong and use it as an advantage the next time you try to achieve the same thing.

2. Recently, my computer started acting weird and so I realized that something was wrong with it. I decided to open it up and saw a ton of dust inside it. Thanks to this I have learned that I need to clean my computer more often and not just let it be.

3. If I were to build a robot I would most likely do it after a manual. I would try again and try to read the manual more carefully. I would also consider myself a "problem solver" since I like to use different methods to test what is wrong.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Growth Mindset - Part 1

1. Mojo wants to leave school because he feels like he is not smart enough to be there. Of course, I have felt like I am not smart enough to finish certain tasks at times, but I have never felt so dumb that I want to leave school.

2. Katie tells Mojo that everybody's brains keep on growing as soon as you learn something new, according to modern scientists. Therefor Mojo decided to keep on practicing so he can get smarter as his brain keeps on growing.

3. If it's true that the brain works like a muscle and constantly grows as soon as you learn something new, Mojo can definitely become smarter. If he keeps on practicing hard things his brain will, sooner or later, learn the new things

4. I do feel slightly frustrated at Maths and Social Science at times. There's no specific reason why sometimes it just feels too hard to finish certain tasks. I'm pretty sure I can improve in all subjects, and that's why I'm here, in school.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Rättigheter och Rättsskipning - Repetion och Reflektion

Resonera kring vilka fördelar en frivilligorganisation som arbetar för de mänskliga rättigheterna (t.ex. Röda Korset) kan ha jämfört med en ...